Finally, an antivirus that saves us from scam.

Enhanced safe browsing from Guarto that keeps your system — and you — protected.

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Detection of most advanced malware
Protection in real time
Screen monitoring for scams

Antivirus with computer vision

Guarto finds malware in every corner of your system and doesn’t slow down your device. It also uses machine learning to check for signs of various scams, from pop-ups to shady emails.

Guarto is the only antivirus that includes a feature of screen monitoring — all content is scanned and analyzed to determine if there’s a risk of you being tricked online.

Industry-leading algorithm to fight malware

Multi-level protection

Guarto identifies malicious apps looking into them even before it starts up, as well as any suspicious activity within the system.

Constant updates and improvements

We regularly release security patches that give protection against a wide range of threats. In doing so, Guarto quickly updates its library of malware, detecting and removing previously unknown malicious software.

Hassle-free AI scam detection 

Don’t think twice — let Guarto think for you

Most scam detectors work if you get suspicious and proactively seek their advice. But scamming attacks are unseeable by design. Our computer vision is a preventive approach that eliminates even the slightest possibility of you falling victim to online scam.

Work with files &
apps risk-free

Spot latest threats

Prevent scams with
machine learning

Spot a scam before you get scammed. With Guarto Antivirus.